About Wild Grace
Wild Grace and its logomark represent, at its essence, the balance of edgy and tough and delicate, masculine and feminine, at the very place where rugged and graceful intersect. Inspired by the Antelope Bitterbrush (or Prushia Tridentata) it aims to honor nature for its wild survival, and graceful harmony.
The name of this deeply rooted bush growing in the mountains surrounding our hometown of Lyons CO, inevitably invites us to think of the antelope. Pronghorn Antelope have distinct white bellies that symbolize truth at the core of its being, they wear their horns like a crown, closer to the sky, reaching beyond the body to the spiritual world. Antlers are often considered a symbol of regeneration or rebirth as they shed every year, but the antelope specifically keep their horns and are thought to offer a powerful vibration between the heavens and earth as they grow strong, grounded just above the third-eye. These elusive creatures are always on the move, their innate wisdom is held deeply in their DNA – being a like-minded tribe allows them to adapt and thrive as they have an expanded awareness, another important character representing a community we wish to share with you at Wild Grace.
Antelope are known to browse the Bitterbrush plant (aka. Buckbrush, Bitterbloom, etc.), a member of the rose family, in the winter, after it has cycled through its spring blooms of pale yellow, and holds on to its three-lobed leaves. The Paiute have used all parts of this evergreen deciduous plant for medicinal purposes for centuries.